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The National Fraud Database (NFD) is the most comprehensive database of fraud risk data and intelligence in the UK

Hundreds of thousands of records are added every year by the UK's fraud prevention community. This data and intelligence is shared in real time and online: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The NFD hold records of first and third party fraud risk, such as account takeover, identity fraud, false insurance claims, false applications and more. With over two million records available to search and analyse, it is imperative that you have the tools to efficiently and effectively work with our data.

The system is simple and effective. All members record instances of fraudulent conduct against their organisation to the relevant database, enabling other members to search against their data. When members confirm fraudulent conduct, they file their own case. We continually develop innovative tools to enable our members to interrogate our data and maximise its benefits.

The National Fraud Database has additional features to ensure that not only can you work with our data, but that our data works for you.

Batch Search

Save time and resource - perform multiple searches by uploading your cases in a single file for automatic searching to the National Fraud Database.


Caselink is a powerful tool that shows you wider connections between fraud risk cases, helping you gain the maximum benefit from the wealth of data in the National Fraud Database. Caselink shows you these connections as a visual representation, allowing you to identify fraud rings, uncover additional evidence, trace and recover assets, and much more.

Digital Fraud Checks

Digital Fraud Checks are designed to help organisations detect fraudulent conduct more effectively. Simply submit the information you want to check, it is then sent to the relevant organisation and you should receive a response within 24 hours.

Facial Matching

Facial Matching allows you to upload an image as part of your search and identify cases that are linked by the same face - whether in the same document, or different documents.

Location Based Alerts

Guard against fraudsters operating in or targeting a specific area - Location Based Alerts use geographical data to search the immediate area around your customer or applicant address, and warn you if multiple third party frauds have recently occurred in that location.

Read about all the NFD features

What Other Benefits Do I Gain From Cifas Membership?

You will access all the universal benefits of membership:

  • Intelligence trends, alerts, reports and research - including statistics and analysis drawn directly from our databases.
  • Learning opportunities through the Cifas Fraud and Cyber Academy, including accredited and postgraduate learning.
  • Collaboration with thousands of professionals from hundreds of organisations, from across the sectors, through The Portal.
  • Additional member benefits, including exclusive online and offline events, forums and seminars, and member only discounts.

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Read about the principles of the National Fraud Database

How Do I Access The National Fraud Database?

We use secure and innovative digital platforms and API integration. We have developed a range of channels to provide our community with efficient and secure access to our data and intelligence. The best way to access Cifas so you can maximise the full benefits of our data and intelligence is through Cifas Direct, which uses API technology to allow your organisation's computer systems to communicate directly with FIND. Cifas Direct delivers its full search functionality straight to your own systems, in real time. You can also search Cifas data via a third party organisation such as a credit reference agency or a platform provider. Speak to our team if you want to know more.

Our platforms

The Portal: The Portal is the single sign-on, digital gateway to the universal benefits of your membership - hosting our intelligence resources, our online community, and our help and support.

If you are a data sharing member, you will also use the Portal, but additionally you will need to use one of our access channels in order to securely access our databases, which are hosted in the Portal.

FIND: The Fraud Investigation Database, referred to generally as FIND, is the tool Cifas member organisations use to access its databases. It is hosted on the Portal in the Investigations area.


"Being a member of Cifas is important for my own organisation, but equally important is the fact we are helping other organisations and individuals across the UK help themselves protect themselves from fraud."

Ian Walker, Head of Financial Crime, Skipton Building Society

"First and foremost, the biggest benefit to me is the benefit to my bottom line - being a member of Cifas delivers savings. I also get the opportunity to meet with colleagues across other industries and share intelligence that really helps our customers."

Alistair Urquhart, Head of Fraud and IT Security, Telefonica UK

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