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Organised Fraud Intelligence Group

Read more about the Organised Fraud and Intelligence Group

Next meetings:

Meeting Date
London & SE (1) - 11am 12th June
Midlands - 10.30am 17th June
Scotland - 11am 18th June
Insider Threat (1) - 10.30am 21st June
London & SE (2) - 10.30am 25th June
Wales and SW - 1.30pm 25th June
North and NW - 11am 26th June
Insider Threat (2)- 11am 27th June


For more information on what OFIG meeting would work best for you please contact the OFIG team.

Access the intelligence that matters

Attending the Organised Fraud and Intelligence Group (OFIG) will ensure you hear the latest enablers and vulnerabilities affecting organisations across the private/public sector and law enforcement, so that you can stay one step ahead of fraudsters.

OFIG brings together like-minded professionals from across multiples sectors, as well as Cifas experts and representatives from law enforcement and government, to collaborate and share information. 

All you need to do to attend is be prepared to share! Non-commercial, collaborative co-operation is the key to these unique events. Can your organisation afford to miss out?


The purpose of the Organised Fraud and Intelligence Group (OFIG) is:

To identify and share information about organised fraud threats, trends, enablers, vulnerabilities, and methodologies affecting organisations (individual-level information is not shared at OFIG meetings):

Regional OFIG meetings focus on consumer-related fraud. An Internal Fraud OFIG meeting is also held which focuses on insider-related fraud.

Download the full OFIG Terms of Reference.


OFIG meetings are divided into regional working groups – currently London & South-East, Midlands, North-East, North-West, Scotland and Wales and South-West – each one meeting three times a year.

Also, an Internal Fraud OFIG meeting is held three times a year – in February, May and September – which focuses specifically on insider fraud threats.


Participation in OFIG meetings is open to representatives from any organisation committed to tackling fraud, at the discretion of either the relevant meeting’s Regional Coordinator or the OFIG Committee (which oversees the strategic direction of OFIG as whole), and with the understanding that participation occurs in the spirit of non-commercial co-operation.

Download the OFIG Role Profiles – Committee Chair and Regional Coordinator.

OFIG meetings are attended by Cifas members, law enforcement and invited non-members.

Role of attendees

To attend one of these meetings email Duncan McLellan