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Zoe Wimborne, Non-Executive Director

Zoe is the Citigroup International Chief Risk Officer responsible for risk management for the 95 countries where Citi has operations outside of North America.   Prior to taking on this role in September 2023, she was the Chief Risk Officer for Europe, Middle East and Africa, responsible for leadership and oversight of Risk within the region.

She previously worked for both Morgan Stanley and Barclays in several different risk and banking roles.  She spent several years leading teams responsible for supporting and restructuring companies in trouble, occasionally as a result of either internal and external fraud, so she is very aware of how fraud can come from many different sources and the importance of accurate and timely information to help protect companies and individuals.    “Having seen at first hand the value destruction that can be caused by corporate fraud, I am very excited to be able to use my risk management and governance experience to help Cifas in its fraud prevention services”.

Zoe is passionate about diversity and inclusion and she considers social mobility a critical consideration for all organisations to succeed. In the same way, she considers it so important that everyone has the same opportunities to avoid the impact of fraud. “Fraud is something that impacts on everyone and anyone and it is so important that fraudsters are stopped wherever possible. Internal frauds occur far more frequently than people realise and it impacts not just on the company, but also on individuals who were working with fraudsters and had the chance to identify the fraud so taking every opportunity to spot internal fraud is critical. I was therefore so pleased to see at first hand the fantastic work Cifas are doing on the Internal Fraud Database to help companies protect themselves against unscrupulous employees”.


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